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Barriers in the implementation of response options aimed at mitigating unpredictability and variability of wind energy

E. Lobato, L. Olmos, T. Gómez, R. Cossent, F.M. Andersen, P.E. Grohnheit, P. Mancarella, D. Pudjianto, G. Strbac, A. Van der Welle, F. Van Oostvoorn

European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition - EWEC 2009, Marseille (France). 16-19 March 2009

Impacts of increasing wind penetration in the overall electricity system are mainly due to two characteristics of intermittent generation – variability and unpredictability (or prediction error). Impacts (both positive and negative) due to variability and unpredictability were assessed in relation to generation, demand, transmission and distribution systems and markets & trade. In order to counteract the impacts of intermittency, a number of technical and organizational response options are available to the market participants. Each available option should be assessed including technical, economical and regulatory aspects of each option. However, barriers and failures in market competition and regulation may hinder the response options to be developed and implemented by market participants. This paper researches on the main regulatory issues that prevent a successful increase in the wind energy penetration. For this purpose a detailed questionnaire has been elaborated and filled up with the views and opinions of the main stakeholders coming from 5 representative European countries: Spain, UK, Denmark, Germany, and Netherlands. Results presented in this papers are part of the on-going project RESPOND supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, under the Energy Intelligent Europe (EIE) 2003-2006 Programme.

Publication date: 2009-03-16.

E. Lobato, L. Olmos, T. Gómez, R. Cossent, F.M. Andersen, P.E. Grohnheit, P. Mancarella, D. Pudjianto, G. Strbac, A. Van der Welle, F. Van Oostvoorn, Barriers in the implementation of response options aimed at mitigating unpredictability and variability of wind energy, European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition - EWEC 2009, Marseille (France). 16-19 March 2009.

    Research topics:
  • *Green Energy Integration
  • *Energy markets design and regulation

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